Statement on new deficit information
This new information shows what we have said since the beginning: It is absolutely possible to reach our budget goals without mass layoffs.
We Won’t Let the Bosses Win: Why We Supported DSA-LA’s Endorsement of Nithya Raman
SMC believes that local chapters are best equipped to assess local endorsements and felt it was important to provide space for our local caucus members to explain their votes to DSA’s membership.
SMC March 2024 Newsletter
There’s been a lot happening in DSA over the past few weeks, so this issue of our newsletter will be focused on recent developments within the organization and ways you can help.
We Can Fix DSA’s Budget (Without Devastating the Organization)
DSA has been facing a budget crisis for the last year: we have been spending down to our reserves, and the 2024 budget has to be balanced or we will literally run out of money.
Statement on the proposed “Resolution to Lay Off 12 Staff Positions”
Socialist Majority condemns this resolution in the strongest possible terms, and will vote no when it comes up for a vote on Monday.
How the DSA Deficit Happened—and How to Fix It
The NPC must pass a 2024 budget, and their priority should be preserving as much of DSA’s organizational function as possible while ensuring it is financially stable.
Earmarked Fundraising and the Labor Solidarity Fund
We hope this can provide clarity about what the NPC actually decided concerning earmarked fundraising and the Labor Solidarity Fund.
Statement on Maria Svart stepping down as National Director
Socialist Majority Caucus deeply thanks Maria Svart, the outgoing National Director of the Democratic Socialists of America, for her twelve years of service as our organization's most visible leader.
January 2024 Newsletter
In the spirit of a few other caucuses, this is the first edition of a monthly newsletter covering everything Socialist Majority has been up to.
September NPC Report
On Sunday, the 2023–25 National Political Committee held its first meeting. Here are some main takeaways from the SMC Steering Committee and our two NPC members, Colleen J. and Renée P.
Defend Democracy Through Defending Democracy
An argument against the "Defend Democracy through Political Independence" resolution for the upcoming national convention.
Hate Socialist Majority’s Politics? You Should Still Support Democratize DSA 2023
The two of us don’t agree on much about DSA. But there is one thing that we agree on: the Convention should pass Democratize DSA 2023.