Colleen J.
Colleen (she/they) joined DSA in early 2017 and became an active member of Denver DSA that fall. She founded the chapter's internal organizing committee, served on the steering committee, and is now a rank-and-file member. They've also served on the national Growth and Development Committee steering committee, where they organized national new member orientations and, most recently, the Recommitment Drive. Beyond DSA, they were chief steward and on the bargaining team for their union and organized with community action and social justice groups.
Renée P.
Renée (she/her) lives in Oakland, where she has served on the East Bay DSA Steering Committee and co-chair of CA-DSA, the statewide federation of DSA chapters. Before moving back to her native Northern California in late 2019, she was heavily involved in NYC-DSA’s electoral work, where she provided legal representation to candidates like Julia Salazar, Tiffany Cabán, AOC, and Bernie Sanders. A member of DSA since early 2017, she continues to be involved in local, state, and national electoral organizing and responding to the overturning of Roe.
Kristian H.
Kristian (she/her) is a socialist organizer born & raised in Dallas, TX, to Mexican immigrants. For work, she is a production administrator at a construction company. She joined DSA in 2016. After two terms as co-chair of DSA North Texas, she was elected to the National Political Committee in 2019 and re-elected in 2021. On the NPC, she served both terms on the steering committee and the most recent term as Chair. Currently, she is a co-chair of the Growth and Development Committee and on the International Commmittee's Americas subcommittee. Her organizing work outside of DSA has mostly been focused on the police budget and DACA.
Sam L.
Sam (he/him) is a member of NYC-DSA and a union organizer. He previously served as co-chair of the NYC-DSA Brooklyn Electoral Working Group, member of the NYC-DSA Citywide Leadership Committee, and member of DSA's National Electoral Committee. Currently, he is active in NYC-DSA's campaign for a New Deal for CUNY. He is a lifelong resident of Brooklyn, New York.
Leslie C.
Leslie Chang (she/her) is a member of DSA-LA. She was part of the organizing committee that formed the Eastside + SGV Branch and has served as Branch Coordinator for two years, as well as the local Steering Committee for three. She is also a California DSA delegate, member of DSA’s National Electoral Committe, and served on the national For Our Rights Committee (FORC) and Democracy Commission. Outside of DSA, Leslie works on federal tax and trade policies for onshoring solar energy manufacturing.
Vincent L.
Vincent Lima (he/him) is a member of the Rochester, N.Y. chapter. He served for three terms on the chapter’s Steering Committee. He cofounded the chapter’s Labor Working Group and has been leading efforts to establish a local Emergency Workplace Organizing Committee.
For many years, Vincent engaged in socialist and anti-imperialist organizing in Armenian communities. He was a member of the Graduate Employees Union at the University of Michigan and later part of an effort to organize his workplace in Princeton, New Jersey.
Emmett M.
Emmett (he/him) lives in St. Louis, MO and has organized with St. Louis DSA since 2019. He has worked on multiple campaigns, including fighting privatization and canvassing for Cori Bush, and previously served on the chapter’s Executive Committee for multiple terms. Currently, he is the co-chair of the chapter’s Political Education committee. Outside of DSA, he is a relentless student of history, friend of dogs, and die hard Green Bay Packers fan.
Heather N.
Heather (she/her) is an organizer in New York City. She joined DSA in early 2022 and became a member of SMC shortly thereafter. She serves on the Queens Branch Organizing Committee and as part of the citywide Membership Committee. She works as a freelance writer.
Seth W.
Jeremy C.
Jeremy Cohan is a queer teachers’ kid, radicalized by the Iraq War and 2008 economic crisis. He’s a sociologist who studies teachers unions, political economy, philosophy, and Marxist theory. He helped organize a tenant association in his building that went on a two-year victorious rent strike.
He joined DSA on Thanksgiving weekend 2016, inspired by Bernie and terrified of Trump. He was NYC-DSA co-chair for over two years. He has also held leaderhsip roles in the chapter’s work on Palestine solidarity; electoral campaigns; Socialists in Office committees; admin committees (e.g. fundraising, compliance); Political Education (DSA Academy, North Brookly NIght School); and student organizing (NYU-YDSA co-founder). He is excited to knock on doors for his 30th DSA campaign with Zohran for mayor.
Aaron F.
Aaron (he/him) is a lifelong Queens resident, a 1L at CUNY School of Law, and a proud NYC-DSA member. He joined DSA in 2019 through the Tiffany Cabán for District Attorney campaign and has worked to build up that chapter’s electoral program ever since. Aaron is a former co-chair of the Queens Electoral Working Group and served two and a half years on New York's Socialists in Office Committee. He was also field director on the 2021 Jaslin Kaur for City Council campaign and has volunteered for every Queens DSA campaign he can.
Genevieve R.
Genevieve (she/her) is a member of Ithaca DSA. She’s a founding member of the Ithaca Tenants Union and the Ithaca Solidarity Slate, where she’s worked on 8 campaigns for DSA endorsees. Genevieve has organized workplace unions, run grievance campaigns, organized to stop evictions, and passed legislation that puts working people over corporate profits, and she works hard to train new leaders to do the same. Currently, she's co-chair of DSA’s National Trans Rights and Bodily Autonomy Campaign Commission.
Patrick S.
Jana S.
Jana Silverman is an At-Large member of DSA, who joined SMC in 2023 and was elected to the SMC Steering Committee in 2024. She is also a member of the DSA International Committee Steering Committee since 2022. She is a Professor of International Relations at the Universidade Federal do ABC (UFABC) in Sao Bernardo do Campo, Brazil, and General Secretary of the Faculty Union at UFABC (ADUFABC). She is also an active member of the Partido dos Trabalhadores (PT) of Brazil.
Katie S.
Katie is Ithaca DSA’s electoral committee chair, and on the Steering Committee of DSA’s National Electoral Committee. They have coordinated field programs to get three socialists elected to local office, and are particularly interested in building socialist electoral projects in small cities. Katie ran as an independent candidate for mayor of Ithaca in 2022.
Max S.
Talique T.
Talique Taylor (he/him) is a Black Queer theologian, writer and freelance journalist. A native west side Chicagoan, Talique is a student at the University of Illinois in Creative Writing and Political Science. He also serves as a lay minister and preacher in the Episcopal Church. He writes and edits a Substack entitled “The Liberator”, focusing on politics and theology.