Melina Herrera

Metro Detroit DSA

Melina (she/her) is a lifelong activist, organizer, and fighter. Active in DSA since 2015, though a member for longer, Melina has been a part of the Metro Detroit DSA chapter since moving to Detroit in the winter of 2018.

She just finished her third term on Detroit's Steering Committee, including two terms as a chapter co-chair. She facilitates Detroit's Ecosocialist Committee, founded the Black and brown Alliance of Detroit DSA in 2019, and is dedicated to helping develop queer and BIPOC leaders and organizers.

Melina was a lead organizer on the PRO Act campaign, a part of the Multiracial Organizing Committee (MROC) Institute planning committee, and has been helping form Michigan DSA for two years. She has experience in all of DSA’s priorities, from organizing strike solidarity, to canvassing for elections, to facilitating Political Education discussions.

If elected to the NPC, her priorities will be developing MROC, figuring out more joint campaigns, closing the gap between local chapters and national, and using her fundraising and membership management experience to strengthen the org.