Jose L, New York, NY

National Political Committee Member

Jose La Luz (he/him) is a lifelong labor organizer, educator and political campaigner who has worked for multiple unions in both the private and public sectors. He has organized workers in different regions across the Continental US and across borders in Mexico, Central America and the Caribbean including his homeland, Puerto Rico.

His proudest achievement is having led the campaign to achieve collective bargaining rights for public workers in Puerto Rico which paved the way for one of the largest coordinated organizing campaigns in organized labor’s recent history. More than 120,000 workers were organized.

Over the years La Luz has been active in electoral campaigns as a volunteer, field staff, and campaign manager in local, state and presidential elections doing outreach with labor and Latine voters in multiple states.

Focusing mostly on Latine voter outreach programs, La Luz ran an independent expenditure program called “Fuerza Hispana Voto Decisivo” in the fall of 2008 to increase turnout among Puerto Rican and Hispanic voters in Orange and Osceola counties in Central Florida.

Most recently La Luz was a national surrogate for Senator Bernie Sanders 2020 campaigning heavily among Latine working class voters in the hospitality industry in Las Vegas.


Kristian H, Dallas, TX


Kevin R, Durham, NC