Thank you to each of these candidates for being willing to put themselves forward and run for this important role. Please take a moment to spread the word about why DSA delegates should rank Sabrina Chan, Kristian Hernandez, Maikiko James, Jose La Luz, and Kevin Richardson in the top 5 in their ballot.
Maikiko James
Maikiko’s work and organizing experience has centered art and social impact, feminist media, community organizing, youth leadership, immigration justice, and storytelling. She currently serves on the National Political Committee of the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA), and other DSA national bodies including the Abolition Working Group and the Growth and Development Committee.
Kevin Richardson
Kevin is an organizer and educator who works on racial justice, membership development, and political education. He started organizing after the Ferguson uprising and joined DSA in early 2017. As a member of North Carolina Triangle DSA, he served a variety of leadership roles---political education chair, branch steering committee member, chapter co-chair---as the chapter grew to become the largest in the state.
Sabrina Chan
Sabrina is a trans woman, data analyst, and socialist organizer focused on electoral work, both in Chicago and at the National level. She joined DSA after being inspired by DSA's first wave of socialist electoral wins in 2017. As a member of Chicago DSA, she has served on the chapter's executive committee, CDSA Electoral Working Group steering committee, and as the co-chair of the committee responsible for coordinating support for Chicago DSA's socialist city council slate.
José Alejandro La Luz
José La Luz is a veteran organizer, campaigner & labor educator with five decades of experience on the left and in the American labor movement. José got his start as a member of the Puerto Rican Socialist party, a pro-independence Puerto Rico-based political party, serving as the Organizing Secretary of the party’s US branch, before going on to join DSOC and participate in the founding of DSA.
Kristian Hernandez
Kristian Hernandez is a socialist organizer born and raised in Dallas, Texas to Mexican immigrants. For work, she is a production administrator at a construction company. She joined DSA in 2016, after serving as a National Delegate for Bernie (and again in 2020). Elected to the National Political Committee of DSA in 2019, she serves on the Steering Committee and more…