Let’s build a Socialist Majority.
Socialist Majority is a caucus in the Democratic Socialists of America, the largest socialist organization in the United States.

From struggles against the many injustices we suffer from in our particular lives, we are weaving a vision for the just economic and political system that we all deserve.
The Agitator
Socialists can be the catalysts in both revolutionary shifts and self-destructive behavior. We know this history – it’s up to us to select the correct path forward.
This following piece is republished from Democratic Left. Upton Sinclair ran for the California governorship in 1934 under the banner of “End Poverty in California.” His campaign — and the response to it — offers many lessons for modern socialist campaigns.
Now, we enter a second Trump administration riding a wave of global anti-incumbent backlash that stemmed, to a significant extent, from the inflation the left routinely ignored. The challenges before us must be approached by understanding what political actors are doing and not what our own ideology assumes.
It is natural to compare the 2024 election to Trump’s first victory — but DSA can learn more from the aftermath of the 2004 presidential race.
Points of Unity
1. We believe in the democratic road to socialist revolution, so our urgent task is to build a socialist majority.
2. We are socialists because we practice materialist politics, not socialist identitarianism.
3. We believe in a democratic, comradely, and effective DSA.
4. The working class needs a mass party that can contest for state power.
5. The only viable strategy to build a party in the U.S. at present is through using the Democratic ballot line.
6. We are building popular movements against oppression and forming powerful coalitions.
7. We are building a popular front against the right, and advancing a democratic socialist strategy within it.
8. Rank-and-file organizing is the key to revitalizing existing unions and organizing the unorganized.
Our Leadership
Colleen J.
Colleen (she/they) joined DSA in early 2017 and became an active member of Denver DSA that fall. She founded the chapter's internal organizing committee, served on the steering committee, and is now a rank-and-file member. They've also served on the national Growth and Development Committee steering committee, where they organized national new member orientations and, most recently, the Recommitment Drive. Beyond DSA, they were chief steward and on the bargaining team for their union and organized with community action and social justice groups.
Renée P.
Renée (she/her) lives in Oakland, where she has served on the East Bay DSA Steering Committee and co-chair of CA-DSA, the statewide federation of DSA chapters. Before moving back to her native Northern California in late 2019, she was heavily involved in NYC-DSA’s electoral work, where she provided legal representation to candidates like Julia Salazar, Tiffany Cabán, AOC, and Bernie Sanders. A member of DSA since early 2017, she continues to be involved in local, state, and national electoral organizing and responding to the overturning of Roe.
Kristian H.
Kristian (she/her) is a socialist organizer born & raised in Dallas, TX, to Mexican immigrants. For work, she is a production administrator at a construction company. She joined DSA in 2016. After two terms as co-chair of DSA North Texas, she was elected to the National Political Committee in 2019 and re-elected in 2021. On the NPC, she served both terms on the steering committee and the most recent term as Chair. Currently, she is a co-chair of the Growth and Development Committee and on the International Commmittee's Americas subcommittee. Her organizing work outside of DSA has mostly been focused on the police budget and DACA.
Sam L.
Sam (he/him) is a member of NYC-DSA and a union organizer. He previously served as co-chair of the NYC-DSA Brooklyn Electoral Working Group, member of the NYC-DSA Citywide Leadership Committee, and member of DSA's National Electoral Committee. Currently, he is active in NYC-DSA's campaign for a New Deal for CUNY. He is a lifelong resident of Brooklyn, New York.
Heather N.
Heather (she/her) is an organizer in New York City. She joined DSA in early 2022 and became a member of SMC shortly thereafter. She serves on the Queens Branch Organizing Committee and as part of the citywide Membership Committee. She works as a freelance writer.
Emmett M.
Emmett (he/him) lives in St. Louis, MO and has organized with St. Louis DSA since 2019. He has worked on multiple campaigns, including fighting privatization and canvassing for Cori Bush, and previously served on the chapter’s Executive Committee for multiple terms. Currently, he is the co-chair of the chapter’s Political Education committee. Outside of DSA, he is a relentless student of history, friend of dogs, and die hard Green Bay Packers fan.
Rael A.
Rael (he/him) is a member of NYC-DSA. He has served on his local branch's (Bronx & Upper Manhattan) Organizing Committee and Electoral Working Group. He has also served on the Citywide Leadership Committee (CLC) and the NYC-DSA Citywide Electoral Steering Committee. He has worked on several DSA endorsed electoral campaigns, including Vanessa Agudelo, Kristen Gonzalez, David Alexis, among others.
Shane R.
Shane (he/him) is a former co-chair of East Bay DSA and a staff organizer for a union of public healthcare workers in Oakland. He joined DSA after AOC’a primary victory and became a volunteer in the Jovanka Beckles and Bernie 2020 campaigns. In his time as chair, he helped lead East Bay in hiring a staffer, opening an office, and winning two School Board races. He is currently active in the East Bay electoral committee’s campaign to elect Sasha Ritzie-Hernandez as our third Democratic Socialist school board member.
Aaron F.
Aaron (he/him) is a lifelong Queens resident, a 1L at CUNY School of Law, and a proud NYC-DSA member. He joined DSA in 2019 through the Tiffany Cabán for District Attorney campaign and has worked to build up that chapter’s electoral program ever since. Aaron is a former co-chair of the Queens Electoral Working Group and served two and a half years on New York's Socialists in Office Committee. He was also field director on the 2021 Jaslin Kaur for City Council campaign and has volunteered for every Queens DSA campaign he can.
Chris R.
Chris (he/they) began organizing with DSA in 2008 with YDS(A) and has been active with DSA in numerous organizing and leadership roles ever since. He has run and participated in many campaigns with groups like Jobs With Justice, Student Labor Action Project, Coalition of Immokalee Workers, as well as labor work with IAM, NNU, and SEIU.
Daniel A.
Daniel (he/him) is a Filipino socialist organizer from Poughkeepsie, NY. He has been a member of Mid-Hudson Valley DSA since 2020, where he currently serves on the Steering Committee. With the support of his chapter, he has managed two winning City Council campaigns and unionized his workplace.
Genevieve R.
Genevieve (she/her) is a member of Ithaca DSA. She’s a founding member of the Ithaca Tenants Union and the Ithaca Solidarity Slate, where she’s worked on 8 campaigns for DSA endorsees. Genevieve has organized workplace unions, run grievance campaigns, organized to stop evictions, and passed legislation that puts working people over corporate profits, and she works hard to train new leaders to do the same. Currently, she's co-chair of DSA’s National Trans Rights and Bodily Autonomy Campaign Commission.
Grace M.
Grace (she/her) is an NYC-DSA member and lives in Brooklyn. Since joining the organization in 2018, she has served on her branch organizing committee as treasurer and spent four years on the chapter's electoral organizing committee. Much of her DSA work has been centered on electoral organizing, from working on Jabari Brisport's successful 2020 state senate campaign to developing a slate fundraising strategy controlled by the org to managing a slate endorsement process for the 2021 and 2022 cycles. She is currently the candidate recruitment chair for the chapter.
Jorge D.
Jorge (he/him) is a Puerto Rican Democratic Socialist from Queens, NY. He joined DSA in 2020 after organizing the Students for Bernie Program at Cornell University while there as an undergraduate. He currently serves on the Ithaca Common Council, representing Collegetown in the 4th Ward. Jorge has served as Ithaca DSA's Vice Chair and Interim Chair, and works closely with his chapter as a Socialist in Office. As a member of the Ithaca Common Council, Jorge fought for dignified housing, stood in the way of policies to criminalize homelessness, and supported Starbucks workers facing vicious union busting. Jorge is advocating for a vision of Sewer Socialism in Ithaca and every city in the US, where municipal governments work to rectify power imbalances in our society, whether between landlords and tenants, bosses and workers, or police and the greater community.
Jose L.
Jose (he/him) is a lifelong labor organizer, educator, and political campaigner who has worked for multiple unions in both the private and public sectors. He has organized workers in different regions across the Continental US and borders in Mexico, Central America, and the Caribbean including his homeland, Puerto Rico. His proudest achievement is having led the campaign to achieve collective bargaining rights for public workers in Puerto Rico which paved the way for one of the largest coordinated organizing campaigns in organized labor’s recent history. Jose was a national surrogate for Senator Bernie Sanders 2020 campaigning heavily among Latine working-class voters in the hospitality industry in Las Vegas. Most recently, Jose served on the National Political Committee.